Employers liable for mobile phone use in cars

Did you know that employers could be liable to prosecution if they require or allow employees to use a mobile phone without a hands free kit while driving for work?

Many businesses rely on being able to communicate with their employees whilst on the road. Coordinating the next appointment, informing them of cancellations, arranging further appointments, etc. the risks associated with using a mobile phone while driving are huge.

As well as it being extremely dangerous and against the law, the financial implications of driving with out a hands free car kit installation and the effect it could have on the business are considerable. (A roadside fixed penalty notice will add 3 points on your licence and provide a fine of £60.

If a case goes to court, in addition to points, you could face discretionary disqualification on top a maximum fine of £1,000 (or £2,500 in the case of drivers of buses/coaches and goods vehicles). And that’s before taking into account the loss of revenue due to loss of business.

The regulations as they stand apply to “anyone who causes or permits any other person” to use a hand–held mobile phone while driving”. If the individual chooses to use a mobile phone then obviously employers will not be liable however if employers require employees to use a hand held phone as part of company business then the employers will be responsible and could also face penalties.

Wecanfit, the UK’s leading home and in-car equipment installation service provide a wide range of services nationwide to suit your every installation requirement. Because we already carry out so many installations nationwide, we can offer you an installation price that you would only normally receive by booking multiple jobs. So whether you have a couple of vehicles or a fleet we can fit.

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